Sunday, August 2, 2015

Back To School TPT Sale -- What's in your cart?

Hello teacher friends! Did y'all hear the news? One of our favorite online teaching resources, Teachers Pay Teachers, is having a back to school sale. I can't express how excited I am for tomorrow. My wish list is full of amazing teacher products and they are about to make their way into my cart. Here are my top 3 products I plan to purchase tomorrow.
The first product on my to buy list is Hope King's Classroom Rules and Quotes: Subway Art.
This product includes motivational posters to decorate your classroom and inspire your students. It also includes inspirational cards that you can pass out to your students throughout the day and journal pages to integrate writing activities. Each month I will unveil a new motivational poster. Then my students and I will discuss what it means and how it relates to our life. There are three different versions of this product, so make sure you read the product descriptions before buying. 
The next product in my cart is Math Word Wall for 2nd grade by Alyssa Swanson from Teaching and Tapas. 

One goal of mine for the upcoming school year is to include more vocabulary instruction in my classroom, specifically in the area of math. I love this product because its Common Core aligned and it uses kid-friendly language. You can also print the vocabulary cards in three different sizes. I plan to  display each word in a pocket chart as it is introduced. Then I will have the students glue the word into their interactive math notebooks, so that the students can refer to the word once I replace the pocket chart with new words. 
The third item in my cart is the Addition and Subtraction Math Stations by Amy Lemons.
Y'all I can't tell you how much I adore Amy Lemons. If I could be a fly on the wall in any classroom it would be hers. I read her blog regularly and I get excited every time she has created something new. I own 90% of the products in her TPT store and every product is beyond amazing. This product specifically has matching games, BINGO, and spinning activities that are sure to help my students master their addition and subtraction math facts. I have no doubt the Addition and Subtraction Math Stations will be perfect for my students.

Well I could keep going through my TPT wish list, but I want to know what you plan on buying tomorrow during the back to school sale. Comment below and let me know. 

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